My Small Biz, Big Voices podcast producer, Mark Bishop, decided it was time to turn the tables and put me on the receiving end of the questions. It was a great opportunity to talk about what I do and why I do it, especially since coaching is a relatively newer profession. If you’ve been wondering how a business coach could help you, check out our interview. Enjoy!
- You’ve been coaching small businesses since 2006. How did you come to have your coaching practice?
- After 13 years, what has kept you going? You seem to be on a mission.
- What do you think is the #1 problem that you solve as a business coach?
- You are a finalist for the upcoming Better Business Bureau’s Torch Award for Ethics. What do you feel is an ethical issue that is facing the coaching industry?
- What advice do you have for someone who is looking for a business coach, especially if they’ve had an experience like the one you just described?
- How does a coach differ from a consultant?
- What often comes up the most for people who are thinking about working with a coach but they’re still not quite sure if they need one?
- One of the things that you offer as a coach is behavioral analysis. What is that and why is it important to your clients’ businesses?
- You wrote a book about how to use behavioral analysis in sales and marketing. Tell us about that.
- What are you working on this year that we can look forward to?
Want to learn more about what The Rising Effect can do for you? Please call me at 520-271-7918 to schedule a complimentary 30-minute phone assessment.

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