Small Business Coaching for Solopreneurs & Teams

Let’s Work Smarter, Not Harder.

The average American spends 90,000 hours of their life on the job. SMBs only have a 50/50 chance of being around past Year 5. Over 50% of Americans report feeling burned out at work.

I’m on a quest to change that.

Stephanie’s Mission

It takes guts to be a small business owner. The time. The resources. The sacrifices. It’s absurd to hear “leave your personal life at the door” when everything you have and everything you are gets poured into something you nurture every day.

Instead, let’s lean into how personal it is to be a small business owner! Let’s use it as an opportunity for authentic leadership, connections with people who share our values, and (yes!) income you deserve.

Plus, you don’t have to figure this out alone! Owning a business can feel isolating. Since 2006, I have helped over 150 small business owners:

  • Win more business and achieve their goals.

  • Enjoy their business, be creative, have fun….and stay accountable.

  • Systematize day-to-day operations and improve sustainability.

  • Identify areas for improvement and brainstorm solutions based on my RISE assessment.

How I Can Help

I only work with small business owners, and I have coaching options to suit just about any budget!


One-on-one Coaching

One-on-One Coaching

Making decisions in isolation isn't just tedious — it doesn’t produce truly great results. Coaching adds objectivity plus leveraged learning to help you achieve your goals more quickly and profitably.


Team Coaching

Team Coaching

SMB owners are often the bottleneck in their own business. Learn how to better utilize, delegate to, and communicate with your team. You'll finally have the time to work ON (not just IN) your business!




I teach workshops on a variety of topics, including DISC and time management. I have presented to groups from 5 to 150+ people. For a list of possibilities:


DIY - Coming Soon

DIY - Coming Soon

In addition to my free video tips and book, I will be offering a Do-It-Yourself toolbox with strategic marketing, time management, and other small biz tools.

Discover Your DISC!

Scrabble spelling Who Are You?

Are you a Director, Influencer, Supporter, or Contemplator? Answer two quick questions and find out where you thrive, what motivates you, and how you may experience personal challenges.

Don’t overthink it – just go with your gut. If you’d like to do an even deeper dive into DISC, please email me at to schedule your personal DISC report and review!

5 Stories People Tell Themselves About Coaching

In my experience, entrepreneurs are unfairly tough on themselves. They tell themselves all sorts of stories about the superhuman things they should be able to do — all alone — with their own brains, time, and money. Truthfully, when it comes to hiring me, I’m usually not competing with another coach. I’m competing with your stories. See if any of these sound familiar…. 

STORY #1: "I should be able to figure this out myself."

We think that because our business is “our baby” that we have to raise it ourselves. In reality, parents talk to each other all the time, leveraging each other’s learning and experiences to be a better (and more sane) parent. The same applies to owning a business — leveraging the experiences and skills of an objective professional brings another level of perspective to your business. 

STORY #2: "I know what I need to do. I just need to do it."

I don’t doubt your willingness to take action and “just do it.” The storytelling word here is “just.” If it were that simple, you would have done it already. It’s not “just” a matter of What you want to do — it’s the How that gets tricky. Having a brainstorming and accountability partner goes a long way toward moving your ideas into implementation. 

STORY #3: "I’m afraid to air my dirty laundry."

When our business evolves beyond our singular abilities, complex problems can ensue if we don’t ask for help. Keeping mistakes or problems to yourself often backfires and can be very costly. Coaching is designed to help alleviate the stress and responsibility of running a business alone, especially as it grows in scope and need. I’m here to help, not judge! 

STORY #4: "I can't afford professional coaching."

Depending on the size and complexity of your company, the average cost of my services is equal to 1% to 3% of your annual revenue. Statistically – based on average client outcomes – I more than pay for myself. And, I don’t lock anyone into a contract. On average, my clients elect to work with me for three to five years because of the value they derive both financially and mentally (sanity is a good thing!). 

STORY #5: "You're not in my field, so you can't help me."

Your job is to be proficient at the technical aspects of what you do. My job is to help you with the nuts and bolts of running your business. Can I treat a house for termites, replace polybutylene pipes, or create a retirement portfolio? Nope. But, have I helped trades and service-based companies double their business? Yes. All businesses are composed of people. That means figuring out how to communicate, collaborate, plan, and problem solve. Do I know how to do those things? Yes I do! 

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